Monday, June 25, 2007

electronic feelings

in time being,technology interfered in every single part in life..even emotions
today, i will tell you a story of a girl, now she is living in a so weird story..
do u remember that lovely movie, you've got mail?
well, it's for a two desperate hearts who bacame two lovers just starting through exchanging emails and lived a very touchful and sweet love story with a happy end just like legends,
but here in this case,it's electronic legend.

Also like the story i am going to tell u about:
my dear big children:) once upon a time.. there was a very simple girl
all that she wants is to find her real love, and she kept waiting till she felt it "oh, finally i got it" she didnt look to the personality as much as she looked at the way he will make here dreams come true..

and day by day... she figured out how she was such a fool to think like that way, specially after breaking her heart, for so many reasons, but the final result is"he is not the one"
even she feels he still loves here(electronic feelings-electronic love-electronic heart breaking)
"so is it over or there is still some little hope?"

by the way.. she wrote his name while starting talking to him and knew about his love to her, by"hopeless"

i think u know what means when u get hurt.. takes so long time to get it over.

she forgot it.. and day by day she knew it's not him..hopless and will always be

she didnt regert.. and life went on.. and in some day, she met another one.. they became close friends although the short time they met.

they began to talk and discuss so many stuffs and through that. they found out how there minds are so close..she feels him without saying a word.. now it's not just a freind.. not just a new love.. she found her soulmate..

she is not waiting to hear it from him"i love u"
she knows he wont say it bcoz he suffers enough
but she feel it in every single word he says
now, she made sure that's the mind and the heart she is looking for
now, she is getting ready to lose it
she is getting ready to have another breaking
she really wished that new young feeling to grow up and stop the past bleeding

i wanna tell her:
even if this time u feel it right but in life u dont get all what u wish and u cant lose a love that hasnt really started

so.. just look forward ur life.. stop to feel the others
stop to think that electronic feeling will lead u to a real one

that's it...just words typed on a screen.. with some expressing emotions
but it really just like as if it's real...or is it a kind of magic??!!!

i am sorry for u girl.. but ur electronic legend wont come true


Ma 3lina said...

I'm sorry for her too.

electronic feelings is just a myth , not always work coz the 3rd element is missing which is the feeling

coz u canot love a screen

and like u said to the girl the love didnot started so that she feel sad about loosing it

hopefully she find her soul mate

nice post

Diyaa' said...

i suffered wiz that post...1st i though u r talking about the tech in general..then i though u were going to talk about our fav movie ( Rawan & me ) ...then i though u r telling something about u
ur simple english gave that post a sepcial taste in my mind
though those tears who were frozen inside but i really liked the way u r telling that stry...or writting those words..or expressing that opinion
i disagree wiz ur final opinion...if the legend & the dreamer..both of them had the minimum limit of being humans...the legend will go on...even if the life precluded them from each others..they will have this beautiful feeling forever inside thier souls & they wont ever regret it though that both of them can have another lifemate .
though allah wrote another end for my stry.. but mine came true !!
so it's not a get what u want
but the main thing is...if she know his feelings for her...& she is v.sure of it...she should help him to cross the limits
the financial & the psychological limits
that what Rawan did to me
& she must share that wiz his closest GF cuze sometimes..u should be reminded when u can step back & leave the whole stry
anyway..this post reminded me of myself...& thank allah that she knew my feelings & believed me

1 more word for ur post' girl...if it seems impossible to get ur legend on the earth..u can work on getting it in the paraidse..& in the end this life is just a temporary step...we were not creating for enjoying ourselves & getting all of our wants
more bereavement = better reward
if we just knew how to pass the afflicting & the adversities

too much hurts but i really feel ur post heroine
& i just love tht blog

slamo 3lekom

mohand said...

salam allah 3alyke
mr pc
ignore him

break said...

I THINK ALso u can't lova a screen
this post suffered me
the life will go on

great post

Diyaa' said...
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Diyaa' said...
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šσяšαяαα said...


i hope so too

thnx dear



yeah i wish u keep in touch with the one u loved

and i wish any legend come true

take care dear friend and so happy for dropping by

c uuuuu



wa 3alaykom el salam

we will c about that

šσяšαяαα said...


thnx dear

i will try to type more joyful posts next time:)

c u



momken a3raf why u remooved the comments:@@

makont write them in english w khalas

tayeeb lamma teegy hena bas

buffy said...

so sorry 4 her all tht situation mak e her more strong not else help her to understand ppl well hope she can find her soulmate so soon

Diyaa' said...

msh fakr bs t2reban mkansh lehom lzom
elmohm enk back

šσяšαяαα said...


thnx buffy for ur comment
and so sorry for being late to reply

i've been away from my blog sooo long time



thnx diyaa'

and wb too

Lobna Ahmed Nour said...

I don't believe in electronic love

it always seams like a fiction and you cant make sure about the reality of the other one

I feel sorry for her too but its just not the way to find soulmates

nice blog ,


šσяšαяαα said...


yes u r right about all what u said.. i dont believe in finding love that way

and thnx 4 dropping by
